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Plenary Speakers


Prof. Hebert Zirath


Chalmers University, Sweden

Dr. Hebert Zirath (Chalmers University of Technology, Professor in High Speed Electronics at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience)


Topic: Challenges in High Datarate Wireless Communication at Millimeter Waves; Beyond 100 Gbps


Abstract: The transmission rate of wireless data in the mobile networks is doubling every year due to the increased usage of mobile multimedia services like streaming video, music, television, data transfer in smartphones and laptop-computers etc. This tendency will require continuously improved telecom infrastructure regarding both base-stations and the backhaul communication links. Today, the E-band (71-76, 81-86, 92-95 GHz) is employed increasingly in the networks, allowing multi Gbps data rate.  In a near future however, the E-band will be crowded, and novel, higher frequency bands can to be employed as well. Several hundred Gigahertz bandwidth is available for new communication and sensing applications just waiting to be exploited at frequencies above 100 GHz. Until now, components for making such ‘THz-systems’ have been too expensive, too bulky, too power hungry and nonsufficient in terms of generating enough power for communication systems. With newly developed RFIC-processes, it is now possible to design multifunctional integrated circuits, realizing a full ‘frontend on a chip’ at frequencies well beyond 100 GHz. Recent results from ongoing projects aiming at enabling new applications for next generation mobile infrastructure, 6G, and imaging, up to 340 GHz will be reported. So far, critical building blocks such as LNA, PA, VCO, modulator and demodulator, frequency multiplier, power detector and mixer have recently been developed, and results will be reported. Multifunction front-end circuits such as complete receive and transmit RFICs, mixed signal designs for co-integrated baseband/frontend ICs, and radiometer ICs have also been developed and will be reported as well, including the newly developed D-band frontend chipset demonstrating state-of-the-art bitrate of beyond 40 Gbps. 


Biography: Herbert Zirath (M' 86-SM'08-F'11) was born in Göteborg, Sweden, on March 20, 1955. He received the M. Sc and Ph. D. degree in electrical engineering from Chalmers University, Göteborg, Sweden, in 1980 and 1986, respectively. From 1986 to 1996 he was a researcher at the Radio and Space Science at Chalmers University, responsible for developing a GaAs and InP based HEMT technology, including devices, models and circuits. In the spring-summer 1998 he was research fellow at Caltech, Pasadena, USA, engaged in the design of MMIC frequency multipliers and Class E Power amplifiers. He is since 1996 Professor in High Speed Electronics at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience, MC2, at Chalmers University. He became the head of the Microwave Electronics Laboratory 2001. At present, he is leading a group of approximately 40 researchers in the area of high frequency semiconductor devices and circuits. His main research interests include MMIC designs for wireless communication and sensor applications based on III-V, III-N, Graphene, and silicon devices. He is author/co-author of more than 600 refereed journal/conference papers, h-index of 43, and holds 5 patents. He is research fellow at Ericsson AB, leading the development of a D-band (110-170 GHz) chipset for high data rate wireless communication. He is a co-founder of Gotmic AB, a company developing highly integrated frontend MMIC chip-sets for 60 GHz and E-band wireless communication.


Prof. Linda Katehi


Texas A&M University, TX

Dr. Linda Katehi (Texas A&M University, TEES Chair Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Department)


Topic: A Neuromorphic Intelligent Front End for 5G Communication Systems


Abstract: RF Front Ends in the transmit or receiving paths of a communication system introduce strong nonlinearities during sampling, mixing, active filtering and amplification. In addition to noise, these intrinsic nonlinearities produce spurious byproducts in the form of intermodulation frequencies the elimination of which increases system complexity and makes modeling and simulation tedious and time consuming. With increasing system functionality, the design of such a communication system is not only limited by the strong non-linear dynamics but it is compromised by the limitations of its physical implementation. As a result, expensive and tedious design efforts lead to only incremental performance improvements.


Biography: Linda Katehi is a distinguished TEES chair professor at Texas A&M in the electrical and computer engineering department. She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), The American Academy for Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Innovators (NAI) and a fellow of IEEE. She chaired the President’s Committee for the National Medal of Science and was the chair of the Secretary of Commerce’s Committee for the National Medal of Technology and Innovation. She is a fellow and served on the board of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) where she also served as the President for the Engineering Section. She served as a member of the National Security Higher Education Board, a member of the Higher Education Business Board and many other national and international boards and committees.

       Prof. Katehi’ research focuses on the design and development of intelligent communication electronics, an area that involves, deep machine learning and analog neuromorphic computations for the development of electronic components and systems that can evolve the performance on the basis of the operational space and collected data. These new research directions are founded in Katehi’s broad experience in the development and characterization (theoretical and experimental) of microwave, millimeter-wave printed circuits; computer-aided design of VLSI interconnects; development and characterization of micromachined circuits for microwave, millimeter-wave, and submillimeter-wave applications including MEMS switches, high-Q evanescent mode filters,  and MEMS devices for circuit reconfigurability; development of low-loss lines for submillimeter-wave and terahertz frequency applications; theoretical and experimental study of uniplanar circuits for hybrid-monolithic and monolithic oscillator, amplifier, and mixer applications; and theoretical and experimental characterization of photonic bandgap materials. Some of her research projects that have created new directions in high-frequency frequency design include:  W-band power cube; novel packaging approaches for high-density three-dimensional ICs; device and circuit approaches for next-generation wireless communications; MEMS for microwave and millimeter-wave applications; study of photonic bandgap substrates for use in frequency-selective structures; silicon-based on-wafer packaging for high isolation in high-density circuits; high-Q micromachined resonators for RF filters/diplexers; and MEMS switches. Her work in electronic circuit design has led to numerous national and international awards both as a technical leader and educator, 19 U.S. patents, and an additional 5 U.S. patent applications. She is the author or co-author of 10 book chapters and over 700 refereed publications in journals and symposia proceedings.

       Professor Katehi served as the Chancellor (2009-2016) and Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at UC Davis (2009-2019). From 2006 to 2009, she served as the Provost of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign and Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. From 2002 to 2006 she served as the Dean of Engineering at Purdue University and Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering. While at the University of Michigan she served as a Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (1998-2001). She earned her bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1977, and her master’s and doctoral degrees in electrical engineering from UCLA in 1981 and 1984, respectively.


Dr. Chuck Campbell

Engineering Senior Fellow 


Dr. Chuck Campbell (Qorvo, Engineering Senior Fellow, IEEE Fellow)


Topic: GaN MMIC Design: Turning Problems into Opportunities


Abstract: The material properties and speed of Gallium Nitride (GaN) based transistors make it a very attractive process technology for monolithic power circuit functions. Indeed, near order of magnitude increases in output power have been observed and quickly reported for power amplifiers, switches and other control components, and so has greatly improved input power handling for low noise amplifiers.  Just as quickly, however, problems caused by high voltage and current also have been reported, including gate leakage in switch FETs that degrade d power handling, impedance levels within amplifiers that exceed that of free space, high current density that threatens the reliability of microstrip transmission lines, and very high total voltage swings for thin film capacitors, just to name a few. Nonetheless, a couple of old clichés still ring true; “the squeaky wheel gets the grease,” and “necessity is the mother of invention.”  Without encountering problems humans tend not to evolve. In this talk, selected GaN related circuit issues are identified and mitigated, highlighting how innovation can be motivated by problems.


Biography: Charles F. Campbell received B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees from Iowa State University in 1988, 1991 and 1993 respectively.  From 1993 to 1998 he was with Texas Instruments involved with microwave module design and MMIC development.  Since 1998 he has been with various divisions of TriQuint Semiconductor where he has held positions of Design Team leader, Design Engineering Director and Design Engineering Fellow.  He is currently an Engineering Senior Fellow with the Infrastructure and Defense Products Division of Qorvo.  A Fellow of the IEEE, he was general chair for the 2015 Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, has served on the Editorial Board for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, the IMS TPRC and was a 2016-2018 IEEE Distinguished Microwave lecturer.  He has authored or co-authored over 60 journal and conference papers, and authored an on-line book chapter on MMIC power amplifier design.


Prof. Wayne Shiroma


University of Hawaii - Manoa

Dr. Wayne Shiroma (University of Hawaii at Manoa, Professor and Chair for the Department of Electrical Engineering)


Topic: Small Satellites…Big Impacts


Abstract: Small satellites aren’t just a platform for developing new technologies and systems, but are also developing a new generation of students for whom traditional educational methods don’t always work. These students find open-ended, project-based, group learning to be more effective (and more fun) than the classroom paradigm. Small-satellite project-based learning not only emphasizes the multidisciplinary aspect of engineering, but more importantly integrates life experiences that result in a different kind of engineer that is more adaptable in today’s rapidly changing work environment.


Biography: Wayne Shiroma received the B.S. degree from the University of HawaiÊ»i (UH) at MaÌ„noa, Honolulu, HI, USA, in 1986, the M.Eng. degree from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, in 1987, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA, in 1996, all in electrical engineering.

      In 1996, he joined UH MaÌ„noa, where he is currently Professor and Department Chair of electrical engineering. He was also a Member of the Technical Staff with Hughes Space and Communications, El Segundo, CA, USA. He has authored over 130 publications in the areas of microwave circuits and antennas, nanosatellites, and engineering education.

          Dr. Shiroma served three terms on the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Administrative Committee, from 2002 to 2010, was the General Chair of the 2007 and 2017 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposiums, and received the IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Service Award in 2019. He was a recipient of the 2003 UH Regents’ Medal for Excellence in Teaching, the ten-campus UH System’s most prestigious teaching award. Since 2001, IEEE-HKN, the international honor society for IEEE, recognized four of his graduating seniors as the most outstanding electrical engineering students in the U.S.

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